Affiliation: Amazon Affiliate Program, UnderCoverTourist
Contact Info: You can reach me here.
The idea of “MickeyProject’ came to my mind while planning a trip to Disneyland with my girlfriend. We were talking about topics such as which stroller is best for Disneyland to how we should plan out our day. I thought “Why not start a blog to help others”.
If you trying to figure out how to plan the best Disneyland trip, I truly believe you will find this blog useful.
Many people plan a trip to Disneyland and that’s it, if you take the time to plan ahead you’ll have a much more enjoyable trip. Not too many have time and pleasure to do their own research and read hundreds of guides. Trust me, planning out a trip takes a lot of time.
The idea for is to provide honest information about Disneyland tips, advice, planning strategies, and insider secrets.
I want this blog to be the last destination for people that plan on visiting Disneyland. Whether it’s a guide on where to find milk for your toddler, best rides, or which hotel to stay at, I want to make sure you’ve got the information you need!
Please take a look around and don’t forget to leave a comment!